Portfolioso: lots of ppl talkin in kellys n they were hysterical
Portfolioso: shoulda been a radio show
Portfolioso: talkin about how C is a useless letter
Portfolioso: lots of ppl talkin in kellys n they were hysterical
Portfolioso: shoulda been a radio show
Portfolioso: talkin about how C is a useless letter
Yeah, I did have a piece of cake on the cruise… It was okay… They did not put any hash in it
Imagine if a public safety officer walked in and was like I’m taking you for observation and I just said to him: I’m fine bro
Oh PCP… I’d be a violent mother fucker on that…but I’ve never done it and never will
“There is nothing more inferior than Cheese Nips. They are fucking disgusting.”
“when I move you move. Fuck that shit, I move when I want, not when Luda tells me to.” joe ranting about ludacris concert
Julie: It looks like you’re pulling something out of her ass..
Joe: Holy shit!
Joe reads it and says: “we are recycling? recycling is an object and people are people so people can’t be recycling”
Kelly: “You have such a man crush on Winston Tellis”
Joe: “is that legal?”
“He’s fuckin’ broke as dickballs”
“There are people out there… I should steal their freshman”
“All the fuckin skanks should stop being fuckin skanks and turn into normal skanks, so we can have them.”
Joe (after tickling Kelly): “it’s not even assault”
“Derek, you scandalous man!”
Kelly: “you’re a 102 years old?”
Joe: “but I’m really not though”
Portfolioso: yes, i enjoy when people call me a ho
Portfolioso: know why?
Portfolioso: im a sketchball
“fucked up the internet is/ annoyed i am” – Joe being yoda and complaining about how he cannot connect to the internet
*Joe is searching on the internet*
Jackie: What are you looking for Joe?
Joe: Soccer moms….
“Im sorry, I was ignoring you.” -Joe (To Jackie)
“You know whats an awesome name? GILBANG… It would be a good porno name”
“Ah your mothers ass” -Joe after he died in Flyff
“Who shits where they live?”
“There are 2 girls outside my window hugging. That’s hot, but one looks distressed, so its not lesbian hugging” -Joe (while on the phone with me looking outside his window)
“Some people… When they smoke it doesn’t affect them… like robots”
“I blow zero”
“because freshmen who know absolutely nothing about FUSA are somehow more qualified than I am. Also, please send me some toilets so I can wipe my ass on them.”
“Im the little bulge.”
“Bubbles is the easy one.”
“That’s going on the table”
(Not what Eric wants to hear about his new table)
“BIC is some good clear ass shit so i can see the shit”
“the IT department can suck my assballs”
Jess (standing on the steps of the stage): “Oh my God I’m gonna fall!”
Me (not thinking): “Okay”
“OMG that thing is so worth it!”